- Hits: 5116
Uzunkopru Municipality intends to award a supply contract for supply and delivery of specialized machines: excavator and wheel loader in Uzunkopru/ Edirne with financial assistance from the Interreg- IPA Cross Border Cooperation Bulgaria-Turkey. The tender dossier is available from Uzunkopru Municipality, Halise Hatun Mahallesi Anabacı Caddesi 22200 Uzunkopru / Edirne and will also be published on the website of the programme: and on municipality web site:
The deadline for submission of tenders is 12/06/2020, 17:30 h local time.
Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website of the programme: and on municipality web site:
- Hits: 4375
In the framework of the second call for proposals of Interreg - IPA Bulgaria-Turkey Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020, with the project activities of the Joint Action on Flood Resistance in the Cross-border Region / FLOOD RESILIENCE - FLOOD SUSTAINABLE / with number CB005.2.11.113 implementing in cooperation of Uzunkopru Municipality and Dimitrovgrad Municipality the first working meeting and press conference on the project was held on December 5-6, 2019 in Dimitrovgrad.
The press conference was attended by journalists from local newspapers, social media and television reporters from the Haskovo region. At the meeting, Mayor of Dimitrovgrad Ivo Dimov explained that the current project is the fourth joint project between the two municipalities and their second joint project for prevention of local floods.
The Mayor of Uzunköprü Ozlem Becan said that it was planned to buy professional machines that would help the two municipalities successfully to work to prevent any flooding in the target region. It was announced that it was not possible to purchase these machines with funds from the budgets of the two municipalities and thanks to the project and these machines many river beds in the region would be cleaned.
Project coordinators and municipal experts from both countries participated in the project partnership meeting. During the meeting, the main activities of the project, the joint work to be done and their time planning were discussed.
- Hits: 7355
Uzunkopru Municipality intends to award a supply contract for supply and delivery of specialized machines: excavator and wheel loader in Uzunkopru/ Edirne with financial assistance from the Interreg- IPA Cross Border Cooperation Bulgaria-Turkey. The tender dossier is available from Uzunkopru Municipality, Halise Hatun Mahallesi Anabacı Caddesi 22200 Uzunkopru / Edirne and will also be published on the website of the programme: and on municipality web site:
The deadline for submission of tenders is 28.02.2020, 17:30 h local time.
Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website of the programme: and on municipality web site:
A Instructions to tenderers
B Draft contract and special conditions, including annexes
C Further information
c4m+Tax Customs Arrangements_Annex V for IPA-II.doc
Warranty Proposal.doc
D Tender form for a supply contract
- Hits: 5497
The objective of the RegioStars Awards is to identify good practices in regional development and highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions.
Project “Prevention and minimization of the Risks for the Environment and Vision for iNnovative Tools /PREVENT/” with ref. number CB005.1.11.165, is battling for the ‘building climate-resilient cities’ title, category 4.
Information about the project is available HERE.
You can support the project “PREVENT”, category 4, with a like by clicking the button on the top right HERE.
We are counting on your support!
- Hits: 9531
Within the Second Call for Proposals of Interreg - IPA Bulgaria-Turkey Cross-border Cooperation Program in cooperation with the Municipality of Uzunköpr and Dimitrovgrad start the implementation of the "Joint Initiatives for Flood Resilience Across Watersheds in CB Region/ FLOOD RESILIENCE” project with reference number CB005.2.11.113, which is a continuation of the PREVENT project, carried out under the first call for proposals of the same program.
The Flood Resilient Project will be implemented between July 23, 2019 and April 23, 2021 for 21 months and activities will be undertaken to prevent and mitigate the effects of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border region within the competence of the municipalities of Dimitrovgrad and Uzunkopru. The total amount of the project is EUR 585 725,04.
Within the project; Uzunkopru and Dimitrovgrad municipalities will provide special equipment for riverbed cleaning, will analyze and identify "hot spots" with increased flood risk, and will work to raise awareness of local people about disaster prevention and rescue activities.
In addition, a joint volunteer group of citizens and young people will be set up under the project with aim to manage disasters.
Also the project activities include; analysis and mapping of flood hazard areas in the Uzunkopru and Dimitrovgrad areas. Innovative approaches will be implemented to ensure the sustainability of flood prevention measures in the cross-border area: both municipalities will purchase and use special machines to clean local riverbeds to prevent local flooding in the cross-border area. The river beds identified in the area will be cleaned and training will be provided for disaster protection among local people and children. It is also envisaged to create an online platform for the Joint Volunteer Group to reduce the risk of flooding in the cross-border region and ensure sustainability and cooperation on the project.
- Hits: 5201
In the frame of the project PREVENT/ CB005.1.11.165 which is implementing under the European Union Funded Interreg-IPA Bulgaria - Turkey Cross-Border Cooperation Program coordinated in Turkey by its National Authority – Ministry of European Union Affairs in Uzunkopru and Dimitrovgrad were successfully introduced early warning systems in operation.
After realization of the project Uzunkopru Municipality introduced in operation a Flood Prevention Information System. The system includes four water level measuring stations and one control centre where up-to-date information on the level of the Krkkakak River water is obtained, is being installed in the Ataturk Cultural Centre of Uzunkopu Municipality. The system allows 48 hours before the disaster to alert the appropriate authorities and instances to take the necessary precautions.

At the same time, a Fire Observation and Early Warning System was set up in Dimitrovgrad. The system consists of a thermal camera located in an automatic control tower and a control center. The tower is located near the village of Krepost and sends video images to the control center built in the building of Dimitrovgrad municipality. Thanks to the thermal camera, it is ensured that the fires are detected at a very early stage and by signalization send to the control center is ensured warning the relevant instances on time.