The process of establishment of early warning system of floods in Uzunkopru is continues under the project PREVENT / CB005.1.11.165 funded under Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey programme, and implemented under the coordination of the National Authority of the programme - Ministry of European Affairs in Turkey.
The software of the early warning system of floods will be integrated with the warning systems used by the Ministry of Forests and Water in Turkey and with the system of General Directorate of the national water resources. This software will transmit information to the flood control center that will be established in the municipality’s building of Uzunkopru Municipality.
The flood warning system will provide information on the river level in a matter of seconds and the flood warning will be announced 36-48 hours before the flood.
The installation of 4 water level monitoring stations and one meteorological monitoring station that are part of this system was approved by the municipal authorities on 19.12.2017.
These modern radar measuring stations in every 15 minutes will provide information on the water flow and rain falls to the observation center that will be built in the municipality.
The places where the monitoring stations were installed were determined with the support of the experts from General directorate of hydraulic works in Edirne.

The flood warning system is planned to be installed by the end of March 2018 within the framework of the PREVENT project, implemented by the municipality of Uzunkopru in partnership with the municipality of Dimitrovgrad.
All these activities are realizing in the scope of 15th monthly Prevent project, co-funded by the European union through Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey programme.
The total value of the grant is 581 483,41 Eur and the expected fund for Uzunkopru municipality is 316,515.68 Euro.